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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Earn by Advertising other people’s posts

Are you ready for this???

Now you can launch Ads for OTHER PEOPLE'S blog posts!

YES! You are reading this correctly!

To earn using FanBox Ads -- starting now -- you will no longer need to first create a blog post!

Here’s how it works:

Let’s say you’re surfing FanBox and browsing blog posts, and bump into a really great post that you truly enjoy and you know that others will enjoy too...

Now you can create an Ad directly from the blog post itself! Simply scroll down to the bottom of the post -- right above the comments section – and you’ll see a giant green “Create Ad” button.

Your new Ad will be served to thousands of FanBox users.

When someone clicks your Ad to visit the post, you make 90% of the earnings from that visitor’s time in that post; PLUS 90% of ALL future earnings from that visitor!

Now you can profit from the time that you spend reading and discovering great posts – by sharing your discoveries with the world!

Of course the author of the post also benefits because she gets 10% of the earnings from that visitor’s time in her post - both today and in the future.

These are earnings that she likely would not have had, if it weren’t for your belief in her product and investment of your time and money into Ads pointing to her post.

But wait!

It gets even better for the author!

Many new readers that you bring the author will also “Like” her posts – instantly introducing it to their own fans and friends – generating even more earnings for the author. (The author gets 100% of those earnings).

And many of those new folks will also "Like" her posts; introducing it to their own fans and friends. (Again, the author gets 100% of those earnings).

And some of those new folks will also do the same.... and so on and so forth...

Over time, that initial user that you brought to the author's post -- via your investment in Ads --might bring the author MANY new fans, friends and followers -- creating an ocean of long-term earnings opportunity for her.

This effect is what's called the "Viral Loop" -- and explains the "virus-like" effect that good products enjoy.

So, by promoting other people’s posts, both you AND the author benefit in the short-term AND in the long-term.

It’s like a perfect partnership!

Can there be a more genuine way to show someone that you respect them (and their knowledge and their work) than by putting your money where your mouth is?

Go ahead -- try your hand at becoming a Knowledge Promoter!

It just might be the perfect type of Knowledge Work for you!

Authors (bloggers): Encourage your friends, fans and readers to advertise YOUR posts!
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