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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blogging Tips

Blogging Tips

Blogging is the knowledge role "Producing".

What's the difference between a Blog and a Post?
A blog is where people go to read your posts. A blog may contain multiple posts.

A blog is typically about one subject matter and may contain as many posts as you like.

Some users will create an entire new blog for each post they do.
Blog Post Promotion 

You can promote your blog URL on relevant forums, Google, Facebook, and Twitter or anywhere else on the Web!

Ads are another way to promote your posts on FanBox.

You may promote your posts by funding yourself from your FanBox Bank or topping up through Paypal or Western Union.

You may let Knowledge Investors fund your ads to promote you blog posts by setting your daily budget to 0.00
About Search Terms in Posts

Blogs do not have search terms, posts do.

Search Terms (tags) must be relevant to the blog post.

Your post's Search Terms (tags) can be edited at any time and will update when the edited post is published.
By clicking on the "Need Ideas" button in the "Produce" tab of the Dashboard, you can view a list of the most popular Search Terms in your country.

The Search Terms you choose help readers find the posts that are relevant to them. 

When you publish a post on FanBox, that post is shown automatically to all your friends and your fans AND people you don't even know based on the search terms you choose.

Search terms that you choose for your post will be rated by other FanBox members when they CAR your post.
Blog Settings

Use the blog settings page to update your blog title, blog URL, blog icon, the language you will be blogging in, and whether or not others are allowed to copy your posts.
To get to the blog settings page: Click your blog title, click the "Settings" link at the top right of your blog, or click your blog icon.
To retrieve the URL of the whole blog post, click on the "Share" button at the top of your blog.
The "Contents" section shows you the number of posts in a particular blog.
Organizing Blog Posts

You can drag and drop blog posts in the "Contents" area of your blog to arrange the order of the posts within that blog.

You can import blogs from Blogger, WordPress, and TypePad.

Each post has its own unique URL. This URL can be found at the bottom of each post.

You earn based on the number of people visit your posts and the amount of time they enjoy your posts compared to other posts.

You can include links in your posts; to other blogs on FanBox or to any website that does not violate FanBox standards.

Earning from Blogs

You earn for the time people spend enjoying your posts. You do not earn from every single person that reads your blog post, but rather a sampling of all your daily traffic. That's why ads and good search terms are such valuable information to learn.
People who aren't earning usually have issues can be traced to one or a combination of the following:
1- Your search terms are not driving the traffic to their blogs. Yes, popular search terms generally come with a higher cost per click on ads so it necessitates a higher daily budget - but the rewards are usually better.
2- Your posts are too short to hold the reader's attention, are not interesting or both. 
3- You don't use ads or is not choosing good search terms in those ads. 

You have to have 1,000 clicks just to get your ad off the 0.00% in the ad graph. Choosing popular and relevant search terms will usually result in better performance on posts and ads.
You do not make money asking others to visit your blogs via FanBox mail.
You do not make money asking others to spend time on your posts in exchange for visiting their posts.
You do not get paid for each and every visitor that visits your blog posts; your earnings are based on the overall engagement that your posts create compared to others' posts

Blog MediaCurrently FanBox only supports videos from YouTube. 
Images may be uploaded to your blog posts, but doing so may delay publishing if the image needs to be approved. If an Ad has been taken out on the post with an image that needs approval, approving the ad will publish the post.

Auto Play Videos in Blog Posts
If you'd like a video to play automatically in your post, add "&autoplay=1" (without quotes) after the YouTube video code when inserting the video in your post.
To have background music only, set the size of your video to 3x3 pixels and the video won't show, only the audio will play.

Happy Blogging!
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