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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Earn Money from Alertpay

Yeah friends, you can earn money from Alertpay.com. Though Alertpay helps you to get your money in Bangladesh, but it also gives opportunity to earn money and you can earn a lot.

 To earn from Alertpay.com at first you need to sign up in Alertpay and it is absolutely free. Then you have to sign in. Next you have to click on the earn money option. Chosing that you will get 3 options: Referrals, Link code and Banner code.

1. Referrals: Clicking on referrals, you'll get your personalised link. You can copy and paste it to your website or blog. You can also put it to an email. When someone sign up through that link, you will get paid from Alertpay.

2. Link Code: Here you'll get some link code which you can post like a referral link. It's like a standard hyperlink which will take on the font and color characteristics of your page.

3. Banner Code: By clicking here you will get some banner code.

You can prefer any of them and by copying that code you can use that banner where you wanna display it. As your referral link is included in the banner code, so if anyone sign up through the banner they will be added to your referral network.


Earnings: For your first ten referrals you will get $5 for each referral and after crossing referral no. 10, you will be paid $10 for each.
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