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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Writing as Computer Work from Home

So want to jump into the computer work from home bandwagon? You can make good money at your leisure in this way-but on these conditions: You must be able to write well with impeccable grammar, and you must enjoy writing.
Of course, you must also be willing to sit in front of your computer and work, but that's a given.

We give one example of a job that can give you the computer work from home that you want. First, resume-writing.

A job resume, as you know, is a document you prepare for job applications. To do this work, you just need a good word processor, a PDF print driver and an eye for detail. Practice with the resumes of friends and see how you can improve them.

A well-composed resume must have a balance of action verbs and adjectives. Get your tenses right: for example, use present tense for the current job and past tense for previous work experiences. Gear the resume toward the job your client is applying for.

Once you get a template set (with or without highlighting and bold/underline formatting), you're ready to begin your computer work from home. How do you begin? We suggest you go to any forum or auction site. Either offer the service free initially or for a very low price. If the practice client likes it, ask them to refer their family and friends and give a reasonable fee for a beginner. Offer a lower price than the established resume writing services.

Be sure to save several templates before you start work. Different job applications and profiles require different resume formats. Also, stick with lower jobs and try to avoid executives if you want to play safe. Start from the bottom up. When you've become more familiar with the technical terms of various professions, you can accept work from anyone.

You can advertise your service at an auction site. However make sure you only offer as many resumes as you can do in a short time. Don't advertise several only to keep the buyer or client or winning bidder waiting. And do this only after you've acquired experience and confidence in your resume-writing skills. Don't risk your auction-site reputation with an uncertain product.

What are the advantages of this type of computer work from home? It's simple: You don't need to do a lot of research. You don't need to come up with a unique topic to write about. And you don't need to look around hard for ideas. Your eyes are spared the eye-strain too. Once you have several templates done, you don't have to spend so much time on each resume.

One warning though: Be a perfectionist. Dot your i's and cross your t's, watch those bullets and those spaces. It may be unfair, but what's hard for the writer or editor to see can be easily spotted by a reader at HR Department who skims over the resume for 10 seconds.

This type of computer work from home can be very profitable. You only have to edit a few words and phrases and you can charge more than you'll earn from content writing or paid blogging. What's more, you'll be doing something rather different from the usual computer work from home jobs you see in online job ads. This is just one type of freelance writing work you can do from the comfort of your home and computer. Good luck!
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