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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Google Ad for your website

You need to have a website; not a free one; but one that you own (domain registration and hosting); 

You need to create an account with Google Adsense (www.google.com/adsense) or through https://www.blogger.com/start. Use your real name and address here – because that name and address will later be required for the payment Google would make to you. 

Once you create an account, google will take 72 hours to process everything for you. After that period you can sign in with the user name and password you created (you can sign in with blogger user id and password; blogger is a part of google adsense). 

Change Your IP Address in Windows OS

You really need to know HOW TO CHANGE YOUR IP ADDRESS. Because, with the new emerging technologiesIP TRACKERS can easily FIND YOUR IP ADDRESS. And they can even do it on DNS SERVER IP, LOCAL IP, GATEWAY IP or DYNAMIC IP ADDRESS. And they can find out your physical address from your IP ADDRESS. Any you don’t want to disclose your physical address to an Internet Con, do you? So, read the following to learn how to hide your ip address.

If your connection is direct to your computer and your computer gets the public IP and not a router, you can try this:

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