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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tips to EARN more on Fanbox

21 Simple Money Making Strategies with Fanbox.com

1. Make friends.

(The more friends you make on fanbox.com the more money you make)

2. Make time.

(Create time to for consistent postings and commenting)

3. Make niches.

(Find a way of making your posts unique even if what you are talking about is very popular)

4. Make (cultivate) loyalty.

You can achieve this by doing what you do with consistency especially as it has to do with quality. This will help people to identify your work and recommend it to others.

5. Make and join issues.
Create topical issues and join in with others that do. it is not about winning an argument but about connecting with people and staying connected.

6. Make blogs on issues.
There are some issues that are so topical that you could actually create blogs on them alone. Use quotes from other contributors to the issue especially from their comment posted but make sure you give them the credit by placing their names just under the quotes.

7. Make the most of your comments.

Avoid using just two words when making comments.

8. Make a hobby of it.
Make sure you are enjoying what you are doing. if you are not there is every likelihood that you will no stay on it long enough for it to start giving you the desired results. The best way to make money is not to think of it, just post and keep on posting.

9. Make it a way of life.
Develop it into your routine. you may make it a weekend stuff or even daily but once it becomes part of your routine, it becomes part of you.

10. Make love.

Watch what you write on your posts and try not to offend the sensibilities of others.

11. Make it interesting.
Every now and then introduce something that is a total break from the area you normally cover. Don’t talk about the benefits of deep sea diving today; tell us about your dog.

12. Make your links outside fanbox work for you (1).
Use the widgets to connect to your facebook and other social networks. This gives your blog a wider area of coverage.

13. Make your links outside fanbox work for you (2).
connect your blog to other blogs that you have outside of fanbox.com. you can use material from these blogs to and revamp them for your fanbox.com blog.

14. Make your links outside fanbox work for you (3)-don’t worry; there is no (4).
Let readers of your other blogs know of your fanbox.com blog by providing a link. Fanbox.com has made it easy for you using their export tab.

15. Make life in fanbox easy for you.
Take time out to explore your personalized desktop. you might find something there that could prove to be very useful.

16. Make your links outside fanbox work for you (5).
just as you create links to bring people into your fanbox blog, you can also apply the reverse and take those in fanbox outside to your other blogs. In that way you win from both sides.

17. Make a chain and an anchor.
The longer you stay in fanbox the better for you. Anchor yourself to what you are doing and it will pay off. Make a point of posting to tell them when you will not be around and for how long. The trick is to come back before the time you gave elapses.

18. Make a chain and an anchor (2).
Apply the same principle to the quality of your posts. Make sure they are consistent in style and quality. This will help you build a collection of materials that we stand the test of time.

19. Make responsiveness your watchword.
Try to respond to comments and requests made. It will add more to your collection.

20. Make good milk.
There are some topics that have good staying power, get to know how to draw on them for as long as possible without overstretching it.

21. Make…must you know everything?
The only thing we will do here is to state that you don’t have to apply everything above before you will start seeing results.
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