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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easy Way to Get Google AdSense Approval

Many of us find it difficult to get a google adsense account. It has become harder to receive an approval from google Adsense nowadays. Well you can create Google AdSense account through dot net spider. Some of you may never get approved by Google because members have not followed all the steps. Until you complete the STEP 2 mentioned here, your AdSense account will continue to show as (not available).

Here is the process involved in Google AdSense account creation:

1. Create AdSense account - http://www.DotNetSpider.com/adsense/CreateAdSenseAccount.aspx

2. After completing the above step, Google will instantly send an email to the email address specified during the AdSense account creation process. The email will have the subject "Google AdSense Verification for www.DotNetSpider.com"

Some times, the email from Google may go to your SPAM or BULK mail folder. So, if you do not see an email from Google in your Inbox, check your BULK mail folder.

It is a good idea to add the email address "adsense-support @ google.com" to your address book so that the mails from Google will not be treated as SPAM.

The verification email from Google will look like the following:

Thank you for your recent AdSense application submitted through www.DotNetSpider.com. We look forward to reviewing your site so you can start displaying targeted Google ads. In order to continue the review process, please complete the form linked below, which will submit your application for review. NOTICE: This link will expire soon! Please confirm your email address and fill out the application as soon as you can. If the link does not work, please try manually copying and pasting it into your web browser. https://www.google.com/adsense/c?u=0000&k=0x0000 Once your application is approved, Google ads will begin appearing automatically on your site. For additional questions, please feel free to contact us at https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/request.py Sincerely,
The Google AdSense Team

You must click on the Google URL in the verification email and complete the steps mentioned in it. Until you complete this step, Google will not consider reviewing your account.

While completing the steps in the Google website, remember to select the option "Yes, allow DotNetSpider.com to access my account". Without this, we cannot give you Google AdSense revenue share.

After you complete the above steps, it may take up to 1 week to get approval from Google. They may send you more emails asking for further details. Within 2-7 days, you can expect an email from Google with the final approval notice.

In few cases, we have noticed that Google rejects AdSense application in error or due to some mis understanding. Please read how to deal with dis approved AdSense accounts.

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