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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Different ways to earn money online

Earn Money with your Digital Camera: If you have a camera and you know how to take pictures you can earn a decent amount of money with this. An analogue camera will work but digital camera is better as it is easier to transfer to a computer. If you use a non-digital or analogue camera you have to have a good scanner with a minimum 2,700 ppi resolution to take the pictures into your computer. If you use a digital camera make sure that it has at least 5 megapixel or higher resolution. Nowadays almost every mobile phone set has a built in camera. But mobile phone camera is not for the professionals. If you have a good camera mobile set you can try with that but this is not recommended. A high resolution digital camera is preferable.

Now you have the equipment ready. The next step is shooting pictures with it. When you go out to shoot make sure your camera has full charge or you have spear good quality batteries.

It will not be a good thing if you find a good scene to shoot but you have missed it as your camera had run out charge. And also make sure you have enough free memory in your camera. Now go out putting camera in your bag or you can also hang your camera around your neck for a professional photographer look. You can take pictures of any subject or anything. As a suggestion I can say you can take pictures of birds, village, town, buildings, trees, flowers, sky, river, pond, sea, forest, creatures, insects, mountains, hills etc. Or anything you like.
Other high selling pictures could be those which can be used as icons or logos. Such as books, calendar, bag, chair, table, pen etc as well.

When you take pictures concentrate on focus and lighting which are some major things for a good quality picture.

When you are happy with the pictures you have taken you can go for sale.

Open the website iStockPhoto.com and create an account. Creating an account is free. They will want to see your sample works for approval. Select 3 of your best pictures and submit. After approval you can start sending more photos for sale. When people will buy your photo you will get up to 40% of the total income.

You can also try fotolia.com which works exactly the same way as istockphoto.com works. These two websites are very popular among image buyers. Thousands of people visit these sites everyday to buy pictures from there. So your pictures will get a good exposure among the potential buyers. The good thing is a picture is a never ending product. Your one picture can be sold again and again for the unlimited times. The payment methods are cheque, PayPal, Moneybookers, direct debit. So you can get payment from anywhere in the world and you can work from anywhere in the world. If you don’t have a PayPal account select cheque as the payment mathod and you will be able to cash the cheque at any bank where you have an account.

Study more about photography or if possible do a short course on photography. Use a professional camera. At start you may face various difficulties but if you work deliberately and stick with it you can even earn your livelihood from it and leave your boring day job.

Earn money with Game Website: Well, I am showing you how you can create a game website in just 3 easy steps which should take no longer then 3 minutes to setup. From that website you can earn money easily. Here is the steps.

Step 1: Create your own game website To start Click here to open big fish games site opens in a new window). Click on the pointed button on that website. Create an account, it’s free to join.

Step 2: Customize your website Choose “My Games Space”. There, you will find your own online games website link. It will be something like this: http://www.mygamespace.com/UserName To customize your online games website, go to “My Game Space” >> “Edit My Game Space”. Now click on Affiliate Program link at the bottom of the page or go to https://pnp.bigfishgames.com/ and login to your account with the same user name and password. Through this site, you can manage your payment options, get nice banners and custom affiliate links and you can create a complete game site using the XML option.

Step 3: Promote and earn money http://www.mygamespace.com/UserName By using this above link, you can invite your friends and any other people who want to enjoy their time playing casual games and you will earn 25% of all their activities forever. It is very simple. Send your link to all your friends to let them joining your team to play together. To get all marketing tools, like links and banners from your account at https://pnp.bigfishgames.com/, just choose Content and pick your favorite affiliate marketing tool. This affiliate program is different from other affiliate programs in many ways, first thing is you will earn 25% from all your invited players purchases. And you’ll earn 25% from all their referrals earnings too, so you will earn your commissions with every activities by your direct referrals and their referrals forever.

Earn money by allowing visitors to survey: If you have a website and people visits your site you can earn money by let your users to complete surveys. This is a CPA service (Cost Per Action) which allows to install a survey “gateway” on your site. When a user lands on your site and completes a survey, you make money and they get access to your premium content. Making a person fill out a survey is not very difficult. The key is in having content that is in demand enough that it’s worth. The survey takes someone’s 5-10 minutes in order to get access. Many people use the gateways on movie sites, tv show sites, social networking sites, e-book sites, and many other sites with premium content. You even can put links to movie, drama, song, software, ebook download and before the user is able to download the file they will be prompted to complete the survey.

You have nothing to lose. Gradually your income will increase. Traffic or visitors are the key to earn money in every website. You cannot earn money in any way or method if your website does not have any visitors. Think why people will visit your site. Populate your site with useful contents that might be interested for your visitors. Give time to think and decorate your site with useful contents. Putting a lot of text in your site will help to increase search engine ranking. Stick with it and hope you will be able to earn a lot of money with this.
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