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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to Increase your Income from Blog or Forum

Having a blog or a forum is a great for making money online from home. However, most bloggers make a few particular mistakes concerning how to make money blogging and fail to earn a good amount from his or her blog or forum.

Check the following five reasons for failing to earn money from blog:

Inadequate Traffic: If you cannot bring enough visitors to your site, it will hardly be possible for you to make money from your blog. You can’t expect to make money when you have a very small readers of your blog.

Misplacement of Ads: Your visitor must understand that you are giving good content for them. Do not give lots of ads in your blog. It’s very annoying to your readers. Place your Ads correctly where it won’t be a nuisance for people reading your content.

Lack of quality content: Try to provide quality content to your site.

If you have original, unique and quality content, you can expect of returning visitors to your site. You can create how-to articles or comparison articles to get traffic fast. Because these article are expected to go viral on Social Media sites.

Choosing Wrong Niche: Making money online from your blog also depends upon your niche of blog. So, choose the right niche.

While Talking about earning from Forum, you should check the following issues.

1. Placing a Leaderboard right after the last post allows your user to learn more about the topic to find more resourceful sites of the topic. He has just read the post and must be interested for more info. If you place your ads here, there is a good chance of getting clicks on your ads.

2. Link units provide a wider scope of relevant topics for users to browse. You can place a horizontal link unit at the top of your forum just below the header. It draws the attention of your valuable visitors. They have come to your site for a specific topic. Your main keywords are shown in the link unit. So there is a huge possibility of getting clicks from that place.

3. Forums are really a sensitive meeting place. It is highly interactive. So be careful while implementing your AdSense ads. Be sure to blend the ads nicely so that they don’t appear overly intrusive.

4. Your user goes through the first post deeply. It is the right place to show your ads. Placing a leaderboard at the top next to the logo is not a good idea.

5. Format is important for multiple ad units. Place a skyscraper on the left side of your forum. It seems to produce slightly better performance than other positioning.
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