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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to Make Money Blogging on Internet

You’ve heard that even KIDS MAKE MONEY on internet! But you’re the only one who haven’t got HOW KIDS CAN MAKE MONEY while a grown up man like you can’t! You couldn’t feel any bitter but to curse yourself thinking so many miserable things about yourself! Well, seriously you don’t have to be a grown up man to EARN MONEY FROM INTERNET.Well, it's true as long as your target is up to 150 USD per month. However if you want to earn more then you need to have in-depth knowledge about AD SENSE GOOGLE, GOOGLE ADSENSE OPTIMIZATION, GOOGLE ADSENSE CONTENT, GOOGLE ADSENSE CTR etc. You’ll have to look for GOOGLE ADSENSE HELP, GOOGLE ADSENSE GUIDE and ADSENSE TIPS etc. While talking about tips, no doubt you came to the right place. The following tips will give you the first lesson to get start with earning. Okay let’s learn HOW TO MAKE MONEY BLOGGING, particularly with ADSENSE BLOG.

You must have gmail account, if you have no gmail account then open a gmail account from www.gmail.com.

2. Second step is open to a BLOGGER account under www.blogger.com by using gmail account.

3. Then you select blogger display name, blogger password, date of birth of the domain and click next.

4. Now select the name of the blog and click start blogging.

5. Next step is to create new post then save and publish the post. Similarly create more posts (at least 10) related with adsenese high paying keywords (GOOGLE KEYWORD ADSENSE -https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal?forceLegacy=true).

6. Then click the design button and then add a gadget button and then select the AdSense and save and next step again click the save button.

7. Next step is click the Publish ads with Google and fill up AdSense form and and condition like blogger name, domain name, address, account type and click next and input email id and password and submit.

8. Finally google give you add to your site and when click by visitor and finally you earned $100 in your account then AdSense pay check to your postal address.

If you have done the above properly, you should see US dollars within a couple of week. So, keep patience and don't forget to wish me good luck...
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