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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Earn money on the internet

Earn money on the internet
Earn Money On the Internet This tutorial regarding earning money on the internet is going to be somewhat longer. You have to lend your attention to get it all. Many people still wonder whether it is at all possible to earn money online on internet as
they either have  been cheated by some scambuster or simply could not earn a single cent from internet till date. Some says earning money online is as easy as 123, some says it’s even tougher than earning money offline. Honestly speaking it is 100% feasible to earn money online.  These are the major ways of earning money on the internet.

It’s entirely up to you and only you when it comes to choosing your way of making money online. Today I will tell you about the simplest way of earning from internet with simple step by step explanation. I will tell you about some Adsense strategies which will help you earn money through internet even without any investment.
What is Adsense?
Adsense is Google’s ad publishing network. Advertisers around the world advertise on Adword (Googles Advertising network) to display their ads on Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) and relevant websites in order to get more business. Adsense supplies relevant contextual ads in their search network based on the search terms people are searching and uncountable websites of Adsense Publishers depending upon the  keywords  of the web page. These Ads are known as Pay Per Click (PPC ) ads. Whenever somebody clicks on the ad displayed in search network, Google makes money by charging the concerned advertiser and in case the click is occurred in any publishers website, Google shares the money with the concerned publisher.
You can become an Adsense publisher and can succeed in earning money on internet.
What to do?
You need to create either websites or blogs in order to earn good money from Adsense. It’s possible to earn from Adsense with Adsense revenue sharing websites but that is a redundant deduction of your Adsense revenue. Make your own website or blog.
I know about website but what is a blog?
A blog (looks like a website) is a web property where information are arranged chronologically with the help of a content management system.
How can I make a blog or website?
First you have to decide whether you want to do it for free or you can afford to invest some money (Nominal) for your blog or website. Google itself gives a blogging platform (Blogger.Com) for free with certain terms of service. There is always  risk involved blogging in blogger. Suppose you have made a free blogger blog which is attracting a good amount of visitors and you are running Adsense ads on it in order to fulfill the dream of earning money on internet and earning an average $30/day. And one fine morning you get an email from Google letting you know that your Adsense click producing money making blog has been deleted because you are spamming the web. You will be given an option to restore your blog though, in most cases you can’t make it happen. Generally they do not delete your blog.
Most attractive option is to create your blog on WordPress, most popular and powerful blogging platform of the world. WordPress too give the blogging platform for free but will not allow any third party ads on it. Premium WordPress blog requires a Domain Name, A hosting server and free WordPress blogging software.
If you want to go for Websites then you need to decide between static and dynamic. Dynamic websites demands more investment. You can go for static sites. no issues.
Tips on domain name and Hosting:
For domain name registration Godaddy is undisputed number one.  If your target market in would work better than .com (Top level domain name). In terms of popularity .com beats every extensions. Name should be short and simple and should be easily remembered. Though keyword rich domain names provides a competitive advantage when it comes to ranking in search engines, do not spoil your domain name. If it is possible to insert your main keyword in your domain name which sounds good, you are set. Buy that domain.
You need a web server to render you site live on Internet
When it comes to buying your hosting space, you have to choose wisely. Local hosting would give you a competitive advantage in search engine ranking. You should go for hosting if you want to rank your site in Google.co.in, international host would help you rank well in Google.com. Another thing to look up is the up-time of your hosting provider. 99.99% is a good one. Because if your web server gets down, no body would be able to access your site along with the search engine bot resulting in loss of rank.
What will be the topic of my blog ?
Not necessarily your blog or website has to be focused on a particular theme. You can write different topic on a single blog. Just use category. A focused theme or topic  helps in getting ranked in search engine result pages easily and the conversion becomes higher but different blogs for different topics would lighten your pocket and maintenance becomes a nightmare. So you have every options to choose.
But whether your blog/website is thematic or nor, you have to make a plan before you buy your domain name, hosting etc. First thing is researching keywords. Researching keywords is an utter important task. U should not skip it if you are with a right mind. Because keyword research gives you a clear idea/insight  about the search volume of the keywords, availability of advertisers, list of related keywords and the corresponding average CPC adword advertisers are bidding for and lot others.
Ideal topic : ideal topic is something where people are willing to spend money and you have a take on that topic. But these two will not match most of the time. It may so happen you are very good at writing funny sms, but keyword research may tell you that the availability of advertisers are too less and so is the average CPC. Would you go making your blog on that where there is no money? So you have to find those words which people are searching on the search engines. Assess the competition in the search engine result pages for the concerned keyword and decide whether you want to compete at all.Getting frightened with the competitors rank is not something you should be. You can rank for any keyword you like if you implement good SEO.
So the bottom line is you have to think like an entrepreneur as long as Adsense earning is concerned. Target keywords where real money is and you can rank without a team of SEO.
And who will be my visitors?
This is important because if your visitors and Adsense clicks come from third world countries you will get very low CPC for that click, but if a canadian click on the same you will make more money. So geo-targeting is very very important.
Why do I need to rank in Search Engine result pages?
Because search engines  are the most viable way to get lot of visitors in your blog/website for free. In order to earn money from Adsense you need Clicks. Nobody but only your visitors will click on your ads. No visitor means no money.
How would I research keywords?
Keywordcountry is now considered to be the best keyword research tool by the best band of internet marketers. This tool let you analyze the true potential of a keyword in a scientific manner and having an article rewriting software. You will get the list of LSI keywords and low competition long tail keywords for your main keyword. Which is amazing as long as SEO is concerned. Wannabe Adsense publishers should grab this service without a second thought. Trust me, this keyword tool has got everything to make you rank in the SERP for your desired keyword. Guidance & support for your keyword research is available 24×7.
And those who can not afford a paid keyword research tool like keyword country should useAdword Keyword tool. Here is how should you research keywords using Adwords free keyword research tool. You can watch some youtube videos to learn keyword research with adword keyword tool.
What if I do not want to write for my blog?
Hiring someone to write for you or buying quality PLR and improving them with your personal touch will do.
Is there any rule to write articles?
Yes. Lot of rules. Writing a web copy strategically takes much more than normal writing. Basic onpage SEO like inserting keyword in title of the article, using relates keywords (LSI Keywords) in heading tags (H1-H6) and the whole body of the article should be followed. Linking to relevant and useful resources is one of the little known SEO strategies. Interlinking between your own blog posts is highly recommended.
How do I do the SEO?
SEO depends upon the type of web property you are using. In case you are using blogger blog, your onpage SEO strategy would be different than that of  premium wordpress blog. Similarly optimization strategies would be different for static and dynamic sites although the basic remains unchanged. WordPress blog gives you more options and useful free plugins like “All in one seo pack” to optimize your blog for major search engines. Offpage optimization means building links or getting inbound links to your blog or website from other peoples websites. I do not write on SEO much because Two of my Internet marketing friends have written  outstanding articles on SEO. I prefer linking to them instead of writing the same thing. I recommend you to read Kaiserthesage.com and EarnMoneyOnlinehub.Com to get solid SEO strategies for free.
If you are serious enough to earn money on the internet you have got to gather lot of internet marketing knowledge. The source of information should be best or one of the bests. Try to gather up different views on it and find out your way. Happy earning Money on the internet.
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