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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to make money as a freelancer

How to make money as a freelancer
Okay it all started on one evening in 2009 I was looking at odesk how these people earn 10 dollars an hour. It got me excited and I started working there. I joined as a graphic/logo designer because all I knew was playing with the image editing software. Later I learned wordpress customization and then thesis theme. And then it started to roll.

List What You Can Do First

Make a list of things that you can such as watching TV, taking bath, playing cricket etc but which of these things can really be helpful to other people, the online people? Such as, emailing people, designing a banner, re-touching an image, setting up a blog, installing wordpress etc. You see so many of the things have a tutorial if you do a search on youtube, but everyone cannot actually apply them or they don’t have time to learn. These people are looking for you to do this task for you. If you have  the skill to learn a new thing, you will never run out of freelance jobs and will keep getting inquiries.

Do Some of These Things For Free

Okay you know what to do and how to do it but a firsthand experience is needed. When I was looking for logo design work and not getting it, I asked my friend Kristi over at Kikolani.com –if I can design a logo for her blog? She said okay! Then I designed a good logo for her. Then she asked for changes, she asked for more changes. Change some this, change some that. At the end she was happy with the design and you can still see the logo live on her blog! See I didn’t have such experience, now I have it for free. I also have a logo to show my prospect that this is my work.

Try To Do the Bigger Work

Okay let me give you a secret: The easy the work is, the smaller the pay and greater the competition it has. Take a look at any data entry jobs. They have 200 applicants applying and how much it pays, less than $1 an hour. The bigger the project and responsibility is the better the pay and the competition is smaller. Try to increase your level as you go don’t stuck with all the low paying smaller jobs. Also don’t take a job that you think you cannot deliver.

Look for Customer Satisfaction, Not Just How to Make Money

From the beginning I looked for the customer satisfaction. I was not a money grubber. Okay I need money to live but it came with my customer service. So many times I put much effort than what they paid me. I always asked my clients do you need some more help. If helped me to gain a respect and these people have told their friends about me. So at the end I got more money from these people. Think that these people are the source of your income, take good care of them.

Always Stay in Touch

Clients are like boyfriend/girlfriends. If you don’t get in touch with them regularly, they start to wonder what happened. So it is your duty to send them an update every week. If you haven’t done anything, at least say a Good Morning. They will love it. Sometimes they will email you and you have no time to get back to them. But try to reply them saying that you got their mail and you will reply soon (or the time you will reply). Offer your skype name, email address and phone number so that they know they can get in touch with you whenever they want.

Learn to Say “NO” to Your Clients

There will be a time when you have to say NO to your clients. Don’t put pressure on you, if you cannot handle a client, don’t take it. Sometimes you will find a client whom you don’t like, just say that you are busy and can’t take the project. Sometimes you will find poor clients who cannot pay you enough money, and you will feel pity for them. Don’t bother because people who cannot pay you enough are not good clients. They will mess you with money and they will demand world class work. These people should know that you are a professional and you are doing this for a living.

Keep an Eye for Perfection

I learned this while working with one of my client. He taught me to be a perfectionist. If you design websites and logos (This is what I do) you have to look for the details. It is not an easy task to be a perfectionist. It will take you more hours to complete a project and make you feel stressed. But the end result is worth it. Whatever you do as a freelancer, make sure you are giving the best. Try to think that if it was your project, how you would make it.

Keep Growing Your Services

Learn how to learn new skills. Take on bigger projects. Increase your level always grow your services. The more you do the better you will be and you will be charging higher rates. When I started on odesk my hourly rate was $1 an hour. Now it is $25 an hour. I have taken from 10 dollar projects to 1,000 dollar websites. Think like a CAPITALIST (but not in a evil way LOL). Hire (freelance) other people to work for you so that you can think about the bigger things. You won’t be working as a freelancer your whole life, so you have to build a business for the long run.
So tell me how was it? I will be around to reply your questions so feel free to submit any question, comments or feedback. Don’t forget to mention this post on twitter, facebook and your own blog!
how to make money online freelancing
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