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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Every Woman Wants in Her Man

Women are as demanding as men are; however, there is a big difference in what a man expects from his woman and what a woman expects from her man. If only all men knew what every woman wants in her man, life would be so simple and dull. If you are wondering what your girlfriend/spouse expects from you then just remember these seven vital things.

Woman like men who listen
All women want to be heard. It could anything from the most important of problems to mundane things like a broken car or a faulty washing machine. If your woman/girlfriend asks for your opinion or for your help make sure that you go to work in right earnest. The very fact that you listen to her will convince her that you care and are ready to help.

Women like men who desire them
No matter for how long you know your woman, she expects that you show intense desire to be with and around her. When you do that she feels beautiful and sexy

Even if your woman has undergone changes physically and is not as pretty or sexy as when you first met, make sure you compliment her looks and make her feel that she is desirable.

Self respect
A woman wants her man to have a spine. So, if you thought being a "Yes Man" is what they want then you need to change that. Women like men who have the guts to say "No" when the situation demands. An average looking self respecting man is any day preferred over a handsome hunk who says yes to everything.

Though women will not say it but they like men who are possessive about them. However, overdoing it will suffocate her and she may not like it. Women feel secure when they know that their man loves them and admires them and is jealous when other men appreciate her beauty.

Women want their men to be independent and also want their man to grant them the independence when choosing their professionscareers etc. So, if you have been living with your parents or driving a top of the linecar bought by your parents then think again. Achieve something on your own merit and see the change in the way women perceive you.

A woman will go out of her way and please her man and in return she expects that her man also appreciates her tastes. She will go with her man to watch a ball game and in the same way expects her man to take active interest in her hobbies and passion. If your girlfriend or wife likes dancing or music then make sure that you show equal interest and participate in those activities.

Great performance in bed
Women take time to get warmed up during sex. A session that lasts only a few minutes is what women hate. A woman expects her man to last longer so that all her needs are satisfied. You need to appreciate the fact that women too have needs and fantasies that need to be fulfilled.

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