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Showing posts with label Friendship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friendship. Show all posts

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Get a Girl to Have Sex with You

Get a Girl to Have Sex with You

Without this powerful tool, even the most attractive men won't be able to take women home - seduction. The average-looking man who knows how to seduce a woman will win every time over an extremely attractive man who doesn't know how. It is important that you know how to seduce, once you do, you'll have the luxury of asking, 'My place or your?'

Wish Happy Birthday in Different Languages

Whether it's your birthday or the birthday of some one close to you, it'll always be an occasion that remains the reservoir of happy memories, lots of laughter and wholesome family fun! Birthday is one of those occasions where the strong emotional bonds, warmth of heartfelt best wishes go beyond the barrier of language and sincere and cordial birthday wish always becomes successful in conveying with its true glory.

Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

Let's get started. Getting a girl of your dreams is much like getting the car of your dream. But unlike a car which you can always bargain for, there is nothing like a 20 percent discount in courting the girl of your dreams, she's so sweet a thing to be discounted, you dearly are in love with her and your feelings for her can only be communicated not by the words of the mouth, but by the words of the heart. Getting the girl actually depends on how big your heart is - faint heart, never won fair lady. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Make Your First Love

 QUOTES ON FIRST LOVE as quoted by Rosemary Rogers,

"First romance, first love, is something so special to all of us, both emotionally and physically, that it touches our lives and enriches them forever"
. surly signifies how different FIRST LOVE is! But sadly enough, in most cases, first love dies in its womb. So, what gives to such sad endings to our first love? Let's start with a few questions.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO FALL IN LOVEARE YOU SINGLE AND LOOKING FOR A LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP? There are six elements that have been identified by counselorstherapists, and researchers that determine if someone will fall in love with you.

Every Woman Wants in Her Man

Women are as demanding as men are; however, there is a big difference in what a man expects from his woman and what a woman expects from her man. If only all men knew what every woman wants in her man, life would be so simple and dull. If you are wondering what your girlfriend/spouse expects from you then just remember these seven vital things.

Woman like men who listen
All women want to be heard. It could anything from the most important of problems to mundane things like a broken car or a faulty washing machine. If your woman/girlfriend asks for your opinion or for your help make sure that you go to work in right earnest. The very fact that you listen to her will convince her that you care and are ready to help.

Romantic Tips for Girls

If you want to win a guy's heart you need to know some secret about him. Here's a few secrets that could take you ahead of him in the way of relationship...

1. Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them, and this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat.

For Singles of all Ages Romantic Guide

How to Impress a Girl

Most guys want to impress a girl so she will like him, but most of those guys come about it all wrong, and instead of impressing her, he turns her off. Find out how to turn heads-in your direction.


1. Now the first step is the most simple-play a sport. I don't care what you play, even rugby and golf. As long as girls know that you play a sport and don't sit all day in your dark room, it's all good. Carry a football, basketball, or baseball glove around school a couple times out of the week. Also, if you're not exactly the sports type, try considering learning to play an instrument. Girls love a guy who can play guitar or piano. You don't know how much this attracts a girl. 


1 English - I love you.
2 Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief.
3 Albanian - Te dua.
4 Arabic - Ana behibak (to male).
5 Arabic - Ana behibek (to female).
6 Armenian - Yes kez sirumen.

pre-dating romance over phone

First impressions are everything: We all know that. But did you realize that first impressions actually begin before your first date, usually by phone? Talking on the phone is a tricky dating stage that comes after exchanging emails but prior to meeting face-to-face. What I'm seeing as a matchmaker is that many first dates never happen, because your potential mate had a negative "pre-first-impression" of you on the phone.

But not to worry! After interviewing more than 1,000 single men and women for my new book, "Have Him At Hello," I have 7 phone tips that really work:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why Quality Backlinks Important for Google Add Sense

Ok, so you started your Internet Marketing business and now you want to be found.

Google search is the most-used search engine on the Web. Therefore, the first thing to do is gain some knowledge on how Google actually performs a search. Most people believe that if you have a website or blog, you will be seen instantly on the Internet. Unfortunately that is not necessarily true; in fact, most new websites do not get any traffic except for an occasional page view. That's why it is so important to optimize your website or blog so that search engines, especially Google, will rank your pages on the top when people search for certain keywords or phrase.

Make Money From Home

From the day when Google Adsense started, there are huge number of people who had jumped into the Google Adsense bandwagon and make money in hundreds and even thousands of dollars.

1st Fact : Youth in high schools and colleges are making thousands of dollars with Adsense monthly.

2nd Fact : Housewives, retirees, mothers and fathers, who are home-based and have never made a cent on the internet have created full-time incomes by just placing Adsense ads in their websites or blogs.

Keywords to Boost Google Adsense Income

Having good traffic and huge contents don't give you the expected google adsense income. For example, if you've a content say, "How to earn money online" and "earn money online" is repeatedly used through out that content google adsense ads would automatically display ads related with 'earn money online' considering it as the keyword. But how much do advertisers pay google for the keywords 'earn money online'? Only 0.1$ or so! So how much do you expect google would pay you for the content if someone clicks an ad on that content page? Not more than .05$. 

Best Ad Publisher

blog or website is a very good idea if you like challenges. You can even make a decent living out of blogging or writing articles. Some articles will make it seem like a piece of cake for you. However, earning money from blog takes time and effort. There are a few tools that can make your task a little easier. 

Google Adsense is one of those tools for many. If you are curious about whether or not Google Adsense is right for your blog, take a look at these characteristics of their advertising program.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Date to a Romantic Evening

o place on earth can be as safe and as heavenly as your home for inviting your Mr. or Miss Right. So go on invite someone you're dating to your home for a romantic evening! But if you want everything to go well and as romantic as possible - then read on these few tips to help you achieve that result.

There are a number of factors you need to consider when planning your romantic evening at home:

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