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Showing posts with label Friendship.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friendship.. Show all posts

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wish Happy Birthday in Different Languages

Whether it's your birthday or the birthday of some one close to you, it'll always be an occasion that remains the reservoir of happy memories, lots of laughter and wholesome family fun! Birthday is one of those occasions where the strong emotional bonds, warmth of heartfelt best wishes go beyond the barrier of language and sincere and cordial birthday wish always becomes successful in conveying with its true glory.

Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

Let's get started. Getting a girl of your dreams is much like getting the car of your dream. But unlike a car which you can always bargain for, there is nothing like a 20 percent discount in courting the girl of your dreams, she's so sweet a thing to be discounted, you dearly are in love with her and your feelings for her can only be communicated not by the words of the mouth, but by the words of the heart. Getting the girl actually depends on how big your heart is - faint heart, never won fair lady. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

pre-dating romance over phone

First impressions are everything: We all know that. But did you realize that first impressions actually begin before your first date, usually by phone? Talking on the phone is a tricky dating stage that comes after exchanging emails but prior to meeting face-to-face. What I'm seeing as a matchmaker is that many first dates never happen, because your potential mate had a negative "pre-first-impression" of you on the phone.

But not to worry! After interviewing more than 1,000 single men and women for my new book, "Have Him At Hello," I have 7 phone tips that really work:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why Quality Backlinks Important for Google Add Sense

Ok, so you started your Internet Marketing business and now you want to be found.

Google search is the most-used search engine on the Web. Therefore, the first thing to do is gain some knowledge on how Google actually performs a search. Most people believe that if you have a website or blog, you will be seen instantly on the Internet. Unfortunately that is not necessarily true; in fact, most new websites do not get any traffic except for an occasional page view. That's why it is so important to optimize your website or blog so that search engines, especially Google, will rank your pages on the top when people search for certain keywords or phrase.

Make Money From Home

From the day when Google Adsense started, there are huge number of people who had jumped into the Google Adsense bandwagon and make money in hundreds and even thousands of dollars.

1st Fact : Youth in high schools and colleges are making thousands of dollars with Adsense monthly.

2nd Fact : Housewives, retirees, mothers and fathers, who are home-based and have never made a cent on the internet have created full-time incomes by just placing Adsense ads in their websites or blogs.

Keywords to Boost Google Adsense Income

Having good traffic and huge contents don't give you the expected google adsense income. For example, if you've a content say, "How to earn money online" and "earn money online" is repeatedly used through out that content google adsense ads would automatically display ads related with 'earn money online' considering it as the keyword. But how much do advertisers pay google for the keywords 'earn money online'? Only 0.1$ or so! So how much do you expect google would pay you for the content if someone clicks an ad on that content page? Not more than .05$. 

Best Ad Publisher

blog or website is a very good idea if you like challenges. You can even make a decent living out of blogging or writing articles. Some articles will make it seem like a piece of cake for you. However, earning money from blog takes time and effort. There are a few tools that can make your task a little easier. 

Google Adsense is one of those tools for many. If you are curious about whether or not Google Adsense is right for your blog, take a look at these characteristics of their advertising program.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Whom to Avoid as Your Friends

There are five types of people whom you may mix with but should never take them as your friends. It's better to maintain a superficial relationship with them limiting it to just “hi, hello” etc; so that they don't become your enemies and they may sometimes be useful for you. Let's see who they are:

Cowards: They will flee away when you will be in danger. So, you will not get them when you need their help. Be careful about these people. You should never trust them.

Miser: You will give them a lot but will never get from them. Your sacrifices will go in vain. You will no be able to get help when it's crucial for you. You may sell you kidney but they won't have the mentality to spend a penny for you. If you consider them as your friends, you must be a fool.

People who blame others from behind: Remember, if a person always blames others to you, he/ she will , undoubtedly, blame you to others at your ignorance.
This person can cause a great harm to you. It's better to get safe from him. The more you mix with him, the more you are harmed.

Selfish : When you are going to be someone's friend, make sure that he/she is not a selfish person. Test him/her with many techniques . Closely observe his/her behavior. Observe how he/she acts at a moment when sacrifice should be done. Remember, friendship without sacrifice is like a river without fish and water.
A selfish person is always harmful because he just thinks about his own benefits, not yours. You can get nothing from him except some wasted times. And when it's a matter of his own benefit, he will not hesitate to destroy you.

Dishonest: This is the most dangerous one. A person who is dishonest can do anything. His conscience doesn't prevent him from doing an evil deed. If you have to make a decision of accepting someone as your friend, make sure that he/she is an honest person. Test him/her in various ways. Observe his activities. Don't judge him with his behavior with you only. See how he behaves with others and observe if he is honest or not.

It's to be noted that I am not suggesting you to leave these people completely. You should be careful about them so that they can't cause a harm to you but if you never mix with them you can't bring them on the right way.

Every human being has mistakes, wrong conceptions, flaws inside him. No one is perfect. We all are guilty and full of flaws. Committing sin is our instinct. Therefore, we can't only blame others. We should blame ourselves too and we should always remember that I myself may have the faults I am blaming someone else for.

I myself (or you) may be one of the five types of people I have mentioned here. But I (or you) can't feel that because we are blind to ourselves. So , should I hate someone for the faults that I myself have in me?

I should think about myself also and I shouldn't hate others for some of their bad habits. And I request you not to leave your friend completely if you find the five bad sides in him I mentioned here. If you are a good person , you have many things to give others. Bad people can become good coming in contact with good ones. So, if good people leave bad people , they can never find the right path. So, you should talk and mix with them to correct them. But remember to be careful.
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