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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why Quality Backlinks Important for Google Add Sense

Ok, so you started your Internet Marketing business and now you want to be found.

Google search is the most-used search engine on the Web. Therefore, the first thing to do is gain some knowledge on how Google actually performs a search. Most people believe that if you have a website or blog, you will be seen instantly on the Internet. Unfortunately that is not necessarily true; in fact, most new websites do not get any traffic except for an occasional page view. That's why it is so important to optimize your website or blog so that search engines, especially Google, will rank your pages on the top when people search for certain keywords or phrase.

Spiders start with a few web pages and follow the links back and "fetch those pages". Then they follow those links "and fetch those pages" and so on. When someone puts in a keyword or phrase, Google finds all of the pages that have an index of those words.

Then, they then have to decide what pages you might want to take a look at. At that point, Google will ask more than 200 specific questions about each page. For example, how many keywords are on the pages, are they in the title, URL. Are they from a quality website or low quality site? What is the page rank? A page rank is determined by the number of links back to a page and if the links are from quality sites. Then the tally up the score and display the results.

Although this is a basic view of what happens, it gives a fundamental explanation of how important it is to make sure that your website contains relevant content. Search Engines love quality relevant content because readers do. Content here means text, not graphics or photossearch engine spiders crawl right past them. So when you are using a photo or video put a caption under it explaining what's in it or use the "alt" tag.

Ok, so let's talk about backlinks and why they are so important!

An inbound link or incoming link (also known as a backlink) is a link that is placed on another website that when clicked on, will take the person directly to your website. The number of backlinks is an indication of the popularity or importance of that website. Search engines calculate the relevance of a site to a keyword, they consider the number of Quality inbound links to that site. So remember, you want to get Quality backlinks from Authority sites or high-ranking sites to improve your overall ranking.

P.S. - Remember to encourage your readers to comment on your posts, and you want to be sure to comment on relevant content on other authority sites in order to cement those links.

Here are a couple of the best ways to ensure that your site is found when a Google search is performed:

Social Bookmarking: First off, Sexy Bookmarks is "cool" looking and functional. It allows you to select your favorite bookmarks and easily share your post information on the social media sites. It is easy to use and fun. You can upload the Sexy Bookmarks plug-in to your Wordpress site.

Comment Luv: Comment Luv - Remember to always ask your readers to get involved by encouraging them to comment on your posts. And remember, quality relevant content that's entertaining and provides "value" to your readers is what search engines are looking for.
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