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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Keywords to Boost Google Adsense Income

Having good traffic and huge contents don't give you the expected google adsense income. For example, if you've a content say, "How to earn money online" and "earn money online" is repeatedly used through out that content google adsense ads would automatically display ads related with 'earn money online' considering it as the keyword. But how much do advertisers pay google for the keywords 'earn money online'? Only 0.1$ or so! So how much do you expect google would pay you for the content if someone clicks an ad on that content page? Not more than .05$. 

However, if you use keywords like 'google ad words' it is way much better - cause google would be paid 58$ for it. So, you may expect a good amount of ad payment from a content that uses 'google ad words' keyword.

However, choosing the high profit keyword is not always profitable, because, you need to make sure that you can compete the search result with that particular keyword on google search. But once you start to use google adwords keyword tool for keyword discovery. Finding and implementing high profit, low competition keywords in your ads really is the trick for making addsense payoff big.

Follow the tips below to find perfect and profitable keywords to improve your google adsense income:

1. Go to google ad words.  

2. Put a keyword on words or phrase box. Click on search. Now on the top right of the results look for 'column'. Click on it and select 'Estimated Avg. CPC' and save. Now sort the result by clicking on Estimated Avg. CPC that now displays. Now you've the highest paying keywords on top.

3. Save high CPC and Low Competition keywords into a spreadsheet program as a csv file. If you've Adwords account copy and paste those keywords into Google's Traffic Estimator. The traffic estimator will give you the estimated clicks per day and the average cost per click (CPC) for each keyword.

4. To get an estimate of your maximum earnings per click multiply the average CPC by 30%. The higher the average CPC, the more likely the CPC for the 2nd - 8th positions are high as well. You want this higher average CPC to start because if the CPC starts to drop off significantly after the 3rd position, your chance of getting high click earnings as an Adsense publisher will be diminished.

5. Use any one of many tools available on the internet for helping to estimate the 1st - 8th position CPC values. These tools will estimate the CPCs for each position and allow you to see how much the CPCs drop off after the first position. This dramatically helps your analysis for picking the most profitable keywords. If the CPC values stay close to the each other and to the value of the first position, then you will more than likely have a profitable keyword.

6. Determine which Adsense ads occupy which positions. You can do this by searching on Google for your keyword and looking to see which Adsense ads are generated in the search results and in which order they are. Another way to estimate this is to use the Adwords Accelerator tool.

7. Compare the ads you found in step 6 to the results of using a keyword check function tool (available on theinternet). If the advertisers you find by doing this closely match those you found in step 4, you will more than likely have a profitable keyword. If the advertisers are not the same, then the advertiser is possibly not using the "Adwords for Content" mode of advertising in his campaigns. This means that the keyword may not be the basis for the Adsense ads and may not be profitable.
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