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Thursday, April 5, 2012

For Singles of all Ages Romantic Guide

How to Impress a Girl

Most guys want to impress a girl so she will like him, but most of those guys come about it all wrong, and instead of impressing her, he turns her off. Find out how to turn heads-in your direction.


1. Now the first step is the most simple-play a sport. I don't care what you play, even rugby and golf. As long as girls know that you play a sport and don't sit all day in your dark room, it's all good. Carry a football, basketball, or baseball glove around school a couple times out of the week. Also, if you're not exactly the sports type, try considering learning to play an instrument. Girls love a guy who can play guitar or piano. You don't know how much this attracts a girl. 

2. Now, find out if she is single. It really stinks to do all of these steps for a girl who already has a boyfriend that she likes. 

3.Too many guys make the mistake of thinking that if you can burp for more than twenty seconds, than a girl will fall in love with him. Impress her with your brains, act smarter and more mature than those other idiots. But don't come off as a geek or nerd. 

4. Act charming. Have witty conversations with the girl. 

5. Know the latest fashions, trends, music, movies, and tv shows. Pick up a newspaper or a magazine and read through all of the sections. Get a general knowledge of what is going on in today's teen world so you will have a lot to talk about. 

6. Make friends with everyone. Be the guy who everyone sits around and listens to. Be the all around guy. Be able to talk to the goths, jocks, popular kids, geeks, and everyone else. She will feel way more comfortable around you knowing that you are cool with everyone you know, instead of being the geek in the back of the classroom who has no friends. 

7. Find out what you both have in common, and make sure that she knows that you two have the same likes and dislikes. 

8. Make her feel really comfortable around you. Make sure that she knows that she is able to come to you with any problems that she might be having in her life. Also, make sure that she knows that not only can you listen to her problems, but you can also solve her problems, or maybe at least just come up with ideas to help her solve them. Be warned, however. Offering advice is one thing, but girls don't talk about their problems to someone because they want that person to try and solve them all. They want someone who will listen, first and foremost. 

9. Now here's the big step, say "I like you" first and then ask her out to a movie, or to lunch. If she feels the same way that you feel about her, then she will most likely say yes. 


• Compliment her sometimes on something that she doesn't think that you will notice. When she is wearing something a little more special than normal, comment to her that she is looking especially nice. She probably put it on to be noticed, so she'll love the compliment. Even if you don't know anything about fashion, you'll know when she is wearing something nice is she smiles and blushes when you look at her. Just don't go overboard with the compliments. It will just look creepy. Maybe you should just say a compliment once a week, maybe twice a week, tops. 

• Be yourself. Don't try to fake a personality. She will most likely notice, and if the girl you like doesn't like you for who you are, then she's not worth your time. Don't ever change your personality for another person. You are who you are, and if people don't like it, they will just have to deal with it. You are you, and nobody can, or should change that. 


• Don't be fake. 

• Some girls like the guy all alone and awkward in the back of the classroom. 

• Some girls also hate people who are full of themselves, so if you do decide to play sports, don't brag about it 

• Never brag or act snobby; girls don't like people for their stuff -- they like them for looks and personality. 

• Beware of gossipers that make big deals out of what you say to girls.

How to Propose a Girl

So, you are thinking about that girl from couple of months but unable to speak a single word. This often happens with almost every guy when he really falls in love with someone. If you are sailing in the same boat then do not worry. Just have a smile on your face and apply the given below steps.

• Roses ring and chocolates are the essentials for proposing a girl.

• Everyone has certain skill, such as humor, wit, talkativeness etc. While dating a girl, you must utilize any of your best talent. Your skill would play key role in proposing a girl.

Tips and Ideas for Proposing a Girl

• Suppose, you have lack of self-confidence then there is no need to bother. It would be advisable to take your friend's aid. Ask significant suggestions from one of your smart friend.

• There are no institutions or coaching classes for proposing a girl. You need to socialize a lot and enhance your communication level. This is the best way to express your love to a girl.

• It would be advisable to be a good listener. You must listen to the other person attentively. This feature of yours 

• Would be an added advantage for you while proposing a girl.

• You must be there at times of her need. Girls are always considered weak as compare to guys. 

• Thus, you must offer her physical protection. But, apart from physical protection, another thing must be considered. 

• It is the emotional dependence. Girls always have a liking for emotionally supportive guys.

• In order to propose a girl, you must be expressive. Expression of feelings is a little tough task. But, it plays key

• Role in getting you the girl of your dreams.

• Girls whole-heartedly welcome sweet surprises. So, give surprises to your sweet heart like chocolates

• Flowers, soft toys, hat etc. There is no need to buy expensive gifts. Affordable gifts will also serve the purpose.

• Invite your dream girl for a lunch and cook her favorite dish. This is the best way to propose a girl. 

• This is an ideal way to reflect your love and affection.

• Before proposing the girl, try to understand her body language. If she is sitting crossed leg and her feet pointing 

• To wards you then she is simply interested in you.

• Girls always have a liking for humorous guys. Humor is the ultimate way from getting rid of tension. This also relaxes one's mood.

How to Treat a Girl Well

So, you want to know how to treat a girl? Every girl is different, so not everything you do for one girl will necessarily flatter another. But there are some general things you can do to show a girl that you care.


1. Be Nice to her

Remember that every human being wants to be appreciated and treated well. The more genuine and specific you are, the better. 

2. Remember that "no means no". If you're doing something that makes her uncomfortable, even something simple like hugging, stop doing it. Ask her why it made her uncomfortable, and try not to make her uncomfortable again--either don't do that thing, or wait until she tells you she's ready. 

3. Respect her future. If the two of you are having or plan to have sex, make sure that it is safe, sane and consensual. Learn about safer sex, ask her if she is on the pill, and talk about your STD status. It may seem awkward, but an unplanned pregnancy or an STD would be much worse! 

4. Let her talk about herself. If you say you want to get to know her better, and you then take over all the conversations, she will think you are self-centered and not very interested in her after all. 

5. Find out about her hobbies by asking questions about the kind of music she likes, observing her environment, and asking about clothes or pictures she might have. 

6. Compliment her. Say that her hair looks nice or that a shirt looks great on her. Then look in her eyes, and smile. Mean it. Keep it real.but never call her hot! 

o A small gift is a nice touch

Tell her she is pretty. No matter how average she thinks her looks may be, a girl will usually be flattered and pleased to know you think she is attractive. Say "You've got the most beautiful eyes/hair/skin/hands/etc. I've ever seen," and again, mean it! 

7. Maintain good hygiene. Take a shower, put on deodorant, brush your teeth, and shave (if needed) right before you see her—every time. Nothing makes a girl more uncomfortable than body odor and/or bad breath. 

8. Listen! You need to be a good listener. That works with most of the girls; they need someone who will patiently listen and understand them! There is a huge difference between "hearing" and "listening", so make sure you are actively listening to her. 

o Don't Try to fix it' We males have a tendency to want to fix things. When a girl talks to you about a problem, she more than likely does not want you to help her fix it. She just wants you to acknowledge that she has a problem and empathize. 

9. Let her know about things she might be interested in. This will show her you remembered and are thinking about her, and the things she likes. 

10. Don't forget her special occasions - especially her birthday. 

11. Be truthful. There is no need to lie. Being honest during the dating process means you respect her wants and needs, but you also recognize your own. If you find yourself always apologizing or trying to soothe her ruffled feathers, you need to honestly decide whether or not the two of you are a match. Treating a girl well also means recognizing this truth, and telling her in a way that hurts as little as possible—as soon as you know. 

12. Make her feel comfortable. Relax and enjoy the time you spend together. Do fun things together. Bike ride, walks, movies, etc...don't just sit around or make-out all the time. Enjoy each others company. 

13. Cooperate to understand her point of view if you disagree. Repeat or reflect her feelings so that she knows you really heard her. If it makes sense to you, apologize for your actions that upset her. If you feel you were in the right, however, tell her you didn't realize your actions would hurt her and you're sorry to cause her pain, and that you'll have to consider more carefully next time. As mentioned earlier, keep it real. Do not promise never to do it again if you don't intend to keep that promise. If the thing that upsets her is a thing that is fundamental to your personality, you might not be able to change it to a degree that will make her comfortable, and that may mean you will eventually have to part ways. 

14. Be real with her, and with yourself. This cannot be stressed enough. If you find yourself saying or doing something and thinking another, step back. Take a look at yourself, and ask yourself what you really want. Share that self with her, because she can and will see that you aren't everything that you say and do. 


• When you are at a restaurant, sit across from her at the table (unless the table is really long, in which case you should sit next to her). Allow her to sit facing the room, while you face the wall. This way you give the impression that you require no view other than her beauty. 

• Taking her to places that cost lots of money isn't necessary. Take her to the park, maybe buy ice cream on the way; that way you interact with her. If you do go to the movies, plan on going for coffee or dessert after (which means a light dinner, and less expense - bonus!) so that you can talk about what you just saw. 

• Take things slow. Don't rush into an emotional or physical attachment just because you think you should. 

• Look her directly in the eyes when you speak to her or when she is speaking to you. But don't be creepy about it. Staring is not considered attentiveness; it's considered weird. 

• Pay careful attention to your manners at all times. 

• Show that you are impressed by her, but don't forget to impress her with something different. Show you are different and sometimes crazy about life. Show her something that only you have got. 

• Girls are constantly analyzing you, what you do, how you dress, dates you take them on, and lots of other things. Take this into account and dress for the situation, as a good balance will keep them impressed. There's no point in dressing to impress, then being cheap about where you take her. It's like going to a nice restaurant in a tracksuit. 

• Avoid the temptation to idolize her or put her on a pedestal. She is as human as you are, and the more willing you are to accept that, the less likely she is to disappoint you. 

• Arrogant men don't get all the girls, confident guys do, and there's a huge difference. Women are less visually-oriented than men are, so even if you're not the most attractive guy in the world, your confidence will suggest that you're someone worth being with and your personality will back up that suggestion. Plus, if you are kind and warm when interacting with her and with others, she will see your value without your needing to have movie-star good looks. Just act and dress like a gentleman, and everything should be sweet. 

• Opening doors and pulling out chairs for the girl is not old fashioned, it's cute! Any girl likes a boy who will treat her well. 

• Hold her close to you, and be gentle when it's necessary. 

• Don't swear excessively or be crude. If you act immaturely, she is less likely to enjoy your company. 

• Put yourself in her place and treat her accordingly. In other words, how would you wish to be treated, if you were her? 

• Remember: no matter how hard you're working to Get The Girl, it's all but guaranteed that she is trying just as hard to find Mr. Right. A girl isn't that mystifying or distant of a creature, and she wants to love and be loved just as much as you do. 

• Hold her hand, especially if you catch her dangling it surreptitiously behind her. A girl loves the togetherness feeling of holding hands, not to mention you're affirming your interest in each other publicly without being crude. In other words, you're proud of her, and a man who can take pride in her will make any girl feel that they are treated well. 

• When she is going to take a challenge, wish her good luck. Or Maybe even explore this challenge with her? Make it interesting. 

• Do not lie! Its pointless... She WILL find out. Just be yourself. 

• If she's upset or angry, let her vent her feelings towards you. Talk about her problems,but DON'T TRY TO FIX IT. You could end up making things worse for her. If let her talk to you, it will make her realise that you care for her. Then she will appreciate it alot. And if she goes through even more rough times, she'll know who to talk to. This will build up trust and loyalty between you two, but don't try to break it. 


• Don't stutter, mumble, or say "Um" or "Uh"; that will make her think you're bored. Take your time and think about what you want to say before you launch into some rambling tirade. Using words or phrases she won't understand can cause her to feel uncomfortable. Calling her a "n00b" isn't going to help anything! 

• If she tells you about a personal problem, don't try to fix it. Just listen to her. (There are a few exceptions.) If she starts to cry, this is a big clue that she's really into you; it indicates that she trusts you enough to show she's vulnerable with you. A nice gesture here is to put your arms around her and just hold her. Don't say "Don't cry." Say, "Aww. It's going to be okay." 

• If you exaggerate your compliments or are insincere, a girl can usually see through that. 

• Make sure you're being yourself. If you act like a gentleman when you are alone with her, and then like a jerk when you're with your friends, she will catch on and you will run into trouble. 

• Make sure she doesn't find out you tried to learn how to make her laugh by reading articles on the Internet, at least not until your one-year anniversary. By then, she's definitely into you and minor things like that won't hurt.

How to Make a Great Relationships

You can make your life a roller coaster ride with a great and steady relationship. Relationships make one's life beautiful and loveable. Everyone wants to have great friend, caring relatives and loving partner. Relationship grows with time. On the other hand, it also undergoes great change with time. If you want to maintain a great relationship then you must follow a few significant tips. 

Tips and Ideas for Great Relationship
• Friendship is the soul of any relationship. Friendship will make both of you free from any obligation. This is one of the major techniques of great relationship.

• Feelings of your partner must be considered. Do not take your partner for granted. Talk about his/her dreams and offer your aid in making it true. This attitude will help you in making a great relationship.

• You must act in a responsible manner. Everyone admires responsible person. Moreover, your responsible behavior will lead to great relationship.

• The key for a successful relationship is fun. Existence of fun and enjoyment would result in great relationship. 

• Understanding is another significant component in the working of relationship. Both of you must understand each other for a great relationship.

• Communication gap is one of the major causes for the failing of relationship. There must not be any communication gap for a successful relationship. 

• spending quality time with your beloved is a great way to strengthen your relationship.

• Attentiveness and romance are the key factors for a successful relationship.

• Space is the major requirement in any relationship. Both of must give adequate space to each other.

Love Symbols
Love symbols, the very word that reminds us of shape of heart. Thus, love symbols are great way in expressing your love. Other than heart shape, there are series of love symbols are available. There is one interesting aspect about the love symbols that you should know. Every civilization and country has its own types of love symbols and they carry significant meaning of their own. Thus, symbols can say a lot about your feelings and can convey your message to the special person of your life. 

Tips to use love symbols 

Choosing the right love symbol is very important. Love symbols helps in assisting to focus on the energy. Thus, you must choose love symbols to allow the opportunities in your favor. Since, love symbols are plenty so choose a love symbol that best expresses with you. Place the image in a position, where you can see it often. This will help you to understand the energy and the link involved to it. If possible meditate with the symbol to get deep into it. Appeal to the symbol every time before you to sleep and after you wake up. In fact it would be good if you make daily entries of your feelings that come up in your heart and mind. Other than symbols if any image comes to your mind try to draw a picture of that or write a description of the image. The last, but not the least tries to remain positive on your idea of love and trust on beauty and purity of love.

Different types of love symbols
Apple: Apple is not only symbolizes love, but also stands for fertility and abundance. There are series of stories one can find apple played a pivotal role in making the love bloom. The Greek god of wine, Dionysus once offered apple to Aphrodite to woo and win her love. The apple also signifies feminine beauty and love. In China, apple is a symbol for adoration and peace. 

Cupid: Cupid is a Greek word that means desire. Many times cupid are shown blindfolded in famous paintings and art that symbolizes the blindness that people suffer when they are in love. 

Harp: Harp is one of oldest musical instruments and thus symbolizes love equal to poetry, art and music. The harp also stands for mythical connection of Celtic civilization that represents a bridge between earth and the heaven. Similarly, in Iceland and Norway, the strings of the harp represent ladder that symbolizing the elevated states of love and path showing the way to paradise. 

Heart: It is the most common and most widely recognized symbol of love. The heart is considered as the sole “culprit” when people fall in love.
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