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Friday, April 5, 2013


As they say "an apple a day to keep the doctors away" A lot of people underestimate the value of apples. An apple is one of the best whole fruits, a super food we must eat every day.Well, all whole fruits contain valuable minerals , vitamins, enzymes and fiber. You are wondering why apples?

1. Fiber.Apples are rich in fiber pectin, which we, ladies, need a lot to 
have clear 

complexion, metabolic balance, low blood pressure. Pectin (soluble fiber) lowers not only cholesterol but also  body fats. How great is that?!!  Apples improve indigestion, and also help  with some digestive concerns (for example, if you have a diarrhea - have  an apple; if you have a constipation-have an apple!).

2. Antioxidants.Apple is full of antioxidants to fight free radicals (which, we know,can cause illnesses) and support our immune system, heart and brain.
3. Detox.Apples and their juice are perfect detox/cleanse food which is beneficial for the liver. They cleanse intestinal tract with fiber which is also very helpful if you want to maintain a healthy weight or to loose extra pounds. The pectin in apples not only reduces cholesterol, but also removes toxic metals, such as lead and mercury, and the residues of radiation.4. Energy booster.It is also a perfect healthy snack and natural energy booster. Apples low blood sugar and make us happier, and less stressful which benefit emotional depression. Nature gives us apples in the fall, when the nights get longer and seasonal depression might occur. Why is that?But we have to remember that apples contain natural sugars, so we have to do some exercises to maintain the same weight if we decide to eat as many apples a day as we can.And, unfortunately, apples contain the highest level of pesticides (along with peaches), and it means that we have to buy them organic (local only if you know the farmers and which fertilizer they use).Let us remember about healing properties of apples and eat them with the seasons to feel and look goodWink

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