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Friday, April 5, 2013


Tree-planting can and will make a valuable contribution to the fight against global climate change Planting trees is hugely beneficial to the world in the face of accelerating climate change.

As trees grow they absorb carbon dioxide (CO2), the main 'greenhouse gas' responsible for global warming, thereby reducing the concentration of this gas in the atmosphere. 

Forests are referred to as 'carbon sinks' for this function of CO2 absorption and storage. Planting trees to bolster carbon sink area, an example of what’s termed ‘carbon sequestration’, helps offset the loss of native forests and fights global warming. 

We can all help our world by planting trees or maybe planting plants in our gardens... 

it helps a lot.

Well its our fault basically why this thing is happening to us... to our world.

what about our future children?...

if we don't do it now... 


so we must hold our hands together and help saving our world...

its for our own good, i don't want to breathe toxic air... 

we all don't like that right?

so... go ahead and Plant a Tree.

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