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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Keywords to Boost Google Adsense Income

Having good traffic and huge contents don't give you the expected google adsense income. For example, if you've a content say, "How to earn money online" and "earn money online" is repeatedly used through out that content google adsense ads would automatically display ads related with 'earn money online' considering it as the keyword. But how much do advertisers pay google for the keywords 'earn money online'? Only 0.1$ or so! So how much do you expect google would pay you for the content if someone clicks an ad on that content page? Not more than .05$. 

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blog or website is a very good idea if you like challenges. You can even make a decent living out of blogging or writing articles. Some articles will make it seem like a piece of cake for you. However, earning money from blog takes time and effort. There are a few tools that can make your task a little easier. 

Google Adsense is one of those tools for many. If you are curious about whether or not Google Adsense is right for your blog, take a look at these characteristics of their advertising program.

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