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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Start Your Own Part-Time

When You're in Dire Straits
Late on rent? Can't fill your car with gas to get to work? Assuming all available funds and traditional sources of credit are tapped out, here are 25 ways to raise cash in a few days. Keep in mind, while all of these ideas are legal, some of them are not something we would encourage. From being an Amazon Mechanical Turk to banking your sperm we share WalletPop.com's 25 ideas for raising cash in a hurry, in order of the least to most desperate.

Blogging Tips

Blogging Tips

Blogging is the knowledge role "Producing".

What's the difference between a Blog and a Post?
A blog is where people go to read your posts. A blog may contain multiple posts.

A blog is typically about one subject matter and may contain as many posts as you like.

Get a Girl to Have Sex with You

Get a Girl to Have Sex with You

Without this powerful tool, even the most attractive men won't be able to take women home - seduction. The average-looking man who knows how to seduce a woman will win every time over an extremely attractive man who doesn't know how. It is important that you know how to seduce, once you do, you'll have the luxury of asking, 'My place or your?'

Wish Happy Birthday in Different Languages

Whether it's your birthday or the birthday of some one close to you, it'll always be an occasion that remains the reservoir of happy memories, lots of laughter and wholesome family fun! Birthday is one of those occasions where the strong emotional bonds, warmth of heartfelt best wishes go beyond the barrier of language and sincere and cordial birthday wish always becomes successful in conveying with its true glory.

Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

Let's get started. Getting a girl of your dreams is much like getting the car of your dream. But unlike a car which you can always bargain for, there is nothing like a 20 percent discount in courting the girl of your dreams, she's so sweet a thing to be discounted, you dearly are in love with her and your feelings for her can only be communicated not by the words of the mouth, but by the words of the heart. Getting the girl actually depends on how big your heart is - faint heart, never won fair lady. 

Earn Money Without Investment

Earn Money Without Investment
All people will more search about to Earn Money Without Investment and make money online. Here is another way to earn money online. The incoming text messages will start to earn the money online for just receiving messages from advertisers.
Users earn money from home without any investment from the pocket. The earnings will be added to the incoming messages and it allows sending the free sms as well. The referral money will be the other advantage with this make money online process.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to make money as a freelancer

How to make money as a freelancer
Okay it all started on one evening in 2009 I was looking at odesk how these people earn 10 dollars an hour. It got me excited and I started working there. I joined as a graphic/logo designer because all I knew was playing with the image editing software. Later I learned wordpress customization and then thesis theme. And then it started to roll.

Earn money on the internet

Earn money on the internet
Earn Money On the Internet This tutorial regarding earning money on the internet is going to be somewhat longer. You have to lend your attention to get it all. Many people still wonder whether it is at all possible to earn money online on internet as
they either have  been cheated by some scambuster or simply could not earn a single cent from internet till date. Some says earning money online is as easy as 123, some says it’s even tougher than earning money offline. Honestly speaking it is 100% feasible to earn money online.  These are the major ways of earning money on the internet.

Earn money Without Investment from Internet

Earn money Without Investment from Internet
Question like “how to earn money from internet ” remains evergreen to make-money-online-aspirants worldwide. Somewhere the reason for this sort of query maybe unethical lay off of employees, somewhere it is offline failure and in most cases it is kind of a fantacy to earn money from internet. Many people are having a wrong perception about Internet that one can get-rich-quick through internet doing almost nothing which is a complete misconception. Internet has got a market place just like offline world has. In order to take advantage of any market one needs to be educated about Internet Marketing and take action in a properly planned way. If you are born poor it’s not your fault, if you die poor it’s yours. You have resources. Take full advantage of it. You can’t blame your father for your present condition anymore. Build career of your own. Start from scratch if needed.

Earn Money Online without Investment

It’s  like free stuffs, it’s a natural orientation of people worldwide to look for something free. No exception when it comes to earning money online , beginners want to find out the free ways to build an online business & without any sort of investment.  Reason is simple, average  per capita income is low enough to restrict them from buying stuffs online.
Anyways, I believe your search will end here for this particular query. Have a bit of patience please. Another aspect is that, some earn-money-online aspirants lost hope & belief after they got scammed by online fraudsters.
Before you read this guide I want you to go through the existing major ways to earn money online to get a generalised idea.
Points to keep in mind :
1. No bloody shortcut is there to build an online income
2. Clicking Ads, Reading emails, Filling up forms, data entry scams will not earn you any money.
3. You have to work smart & hard as well.
4. You can’t earn only sleeping. That’s possible after uncountable sleepless nights.
5. You have to have the learning curve.
6. Good communication in English is a must.
7. You are assumed to be having a computer connected to Internet.
Blogging on Blogspot : Blogger is a product by Internet giant Google allows you to create blogs for free on their domain. You would get a sub domain like http://yourchosenname.blogspot.com/ and the hosting is free by blogger.
Maybe you are thinking, ” heck, i knew this way”. If so then my question is how many rupees have you earned from your blogger blog? Only creating blogs will not do, you have to do it right. I know lot of  blogger earning good money from free blogs without any investment. You can also build your profitable work from home job with proper guidance and proper implementation
Your ultimate aim is to run Google AdSense ads in your blog in order to earn money. First thing first, you need to make a plan now. Plan about what would be your blog about.
Choosing your Topic : This is extremely important for your online success. If you do it wrong, you are finished before you even start. Ideal topic is something you would love to blog about and a profitable market is there. Most of the times it does not happen, because you might not know anything about a topic where lot of advertisers are there and a lot of buyers as well. One thing here to keep in mind , chasing profitable markets only will not do any good if you do not know the subject assuming you can not hire people to work for you.
Just to help you brainstorm to find a topic I recommend you to visit Topic Ideas
And you need Google Adwords Free Keyword tool to find specific keywords you would write upon.  Those who do not know what keyword research is, I recommend reading this.Write your keyword in the keyword field.  Put the captcha and click on column to get more options, click on the box left to average CPC, and search.
Keyword research guide for adword free tool
Now let assume you have put ” Banking Jobs” in the keyword field because you would like to post different latest banking jobs in your blog. Good Idea.
Now let us see what you see in the result after you click search.
Earn Money online in india without investment
Now comes the time to take crucial decision. See the keyword suggestions by free tool and see in which area you are comfortable to write on, check the availability of advertisers, if there is  no or less advertisers, you should not go for that. Now check the search volumes both global and local. Search volume is very important because you can not afford to write upon something people do not search at all. Check the average CPC or cost per click value for your desired keyword because your ultimate aim is to earn money and not only writing blog posts.
Update : You will get to see the the average CPC column if you sign in to Adword with your gmail account. Otherwise not.
This average CPC value implies the value of the keyword to the advertisers, when they place ads to Google. More it is, better for you because you can earn more from Adsense.
you are not finished with keyword research, You have to check the competition of webmasters and bloggers for the keyword you are targeting. Search the suggested keyword in Google & check the page ranks (PR) of first 10 result pages /domains. to check PR you have to install Google toolbar to your browser. the Green Bar after bookmark option shows the PR. If it is 3 or below, you can go for it. Otherwise it would be tougher to rank for you for your targeted keyword.
You can put “bank jobs”, “bank jobs in (your country)”, “bank jobs for freshers” like keywords in the keyword field and check the results. Your motto is to find the right keywords which will help you build your internet business.
(Tip: Do not go for high competition keywords, try to choose medium or even low competition keyword with a respectable search volume)
Create your Blog:
Now it’s time to register your free  domain in Blogger and getting your blog ready. Go toBlogger and sign in with your Google account. Try to get a domain name with your exact keyword  like  http://bankjobs.blogspot.com/
In all probability the domain is already taken by someone. Do not loose hope, try to get it with a little variation like http://bankjobshub.blogspot.com/
Give your blog a name. Create your blog. Now go to settings-basic and write a keyword rich description of your blog. Go to template designer and design as you like. You can give your blog a custom look, you need to edit blog template code for that.
Put  privacy policy, About me, Contact pages. Start blogging.
Before you start writing you need to remember certain things. On Page SEO or Search Engine Optimization.
I recommend you reading this basic onpage SEO tips for blogger blog
Start writing now with the knowledge you have got. Keep updating your posts. And start doing off-page SEO for your blog. This is all about getting links from other webpages to your blog home page or posts.
If you are in a low competition zone, you could easily rank with basic link building like, blog directory submission, writing on article directory and getting links, guest posting in other related blogs, commenting on related blogs, participating in related forum and getting signature links and directly requesting others to link to you.
You can learn SEO from world famous SEO Aaron Wall and from Jason for free.
gradually you will build up visitors to your blog.
Its time to Apply for Adsense : Go to AdSense and sign up for it. They will send you welcome mail and you can start displaying Google ads in your blog. You will be earning for every click on the ads which you can see in Adsense reports after you sign in. But One thing to keep in mind is, you are eligible to apply after six months from the date of registration of your blog’s domain name.
You will get every guidance regarding insertion of ad code inside your template or customizing the look & feel of the ads for free. Lot of free resources. Not only AdSense you would get lot of other money making programs for free to earn money online without investment.
Things to avoid :
  • Do not copy articles or any content from other online resources. You will never succeed. Google and other major search engines will dump you.
  • Do not click your own ads or provoke someone to do this.
  • Do not start writing about making money online until & unless you make a good amount of money online.
  • Do not spam on your blog. Blogger police could remove your blog from their server without any sort of notification. Better read their TOS before you begin.
Another easy way to earn is by writing and publishing articles in different Adsense revenue sharing sites using the same techniques explained above. You don’t have to maintain the blog this case. And it’s easy to get your articles indexed in an already established domain like Hubpages, Bukisa, etc. These websites have records of paying AdSense revenue to the publishers (you) without demanding any investment from you.
Go ahead with proper planning like I have laid out, keep updating your blog, interact with readers, get clicks, earn a lot of money without investment working from home .
Update : Those of you who like to work for others indepently (working as a freelancer) should create your profile on freelance sites like Odesk.Com , Elance.Com, Guru.Com etc without spending any money offcourse. Getting Jobs in Odesk.Com is easier than other freelance site as because Odesk.Com has got several low cost freelance jobs. Basically Odesk is a marketplace where frelancers (You) and employers (Those who outsources their jobs to freelancers) can deal with each other.  But mind you, just creating a freelacer profile will not ensure winning jobs from Odesk.Com. You need to follow certain steps and strategies to get jobs. You have to create your profile as an expert of a certain type of job which are available on Odesk. For example you can create your profile as a web designer with your portfolio (if you have any) and other details.Odesk has certain tests which you need to appear for and try to get a good score. This way you would become a Odesk certified freelancer and find it easier to win jobs which you need to deliver in a time period by your employer. Payment structure is good enough to live a lifestyle.
Best of luck with your online journey. Wish you all success.

without any investment

What is the actual work?
The actual jobs is filling online data entry forms in the internet. We will be providing you simple Online Registration Forms. You have to fill those Online Registration Forms according to the instructions.

Is it easy to fill those registration forms?
Yes. These are very simple data entry forms and it is similar to creating an Email account in yahoo, hotmail or rediff. It takes less than 2 minutes to fill those forms. This is similar to Data entry jobs.

How much I can earn for filling each forms?
You can earn between $.50 to $.100 for each data entry form you fill. We have many categories of forms to fill. Based on the category, the rate will vary. On an average, you can earn $.75 for each form you fill.

Is this work available worldwide?
No. This work is available only for Indians. In future, we will recruit peoples from all over the world. You just need basic internet browsing knowledge.

What is the Qualification to do this work?
No need Extra qualification. Just basic Internet Browsing knowledge is enough to do this job.

How much time I need to work in the Internet ?
There is no hard and fast rules regarding the work. It depends on the number of hours you work.You can work at your convenient timings. But it is good at least you work 1 hour daily to earn a decent income.

When will I get the payment and what is the mode of payment?
You will be paid on or around 20th of every month for the previous month earnings. You will be paid only if your earnings is equal to or more than $.2000. If it is less than $.2000 for a particular month, then the amount will be added to the next month earnings. We pay you by Check.

How much I can earn per Month ?
Here is the simple Earning Estimate Chart for a month .
No. of forms daily
Average pay for each form
Average daily income
Monthly income

Is there any other way to earn more money?
Yes. You can earn more money from our referral scheme. You can refer others to join this online form filling jobs. You will get 20% of your referral member earnings. Suppose if someone joins under your referral link and if he earns $.5000, you will get a commission of $.1000.
If you make 50 referrals/month, you can earn 50 X 1000 = $.50000/month for just referring others.

NOTE : You can earn more money in this referral scheme. So refer more and earn more.

How can I refer others?
All the referral scheme details are provided in the member login area. We provide you all the referral marketing tools, ideas, tips etc to increase your referral commissions.

Ok. I am Interested. How to join?
Thank you for your interest. Click below to join and start making money in next 60 seconds. All the best !

Best SEO Tool

There are many tools and strategies that you can use to improve your ranking on search engines and drive traffic to your website

Among all the different search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, writing and submitting articles remains the best strategy. This article outlines the key reasons why articles are the most powerful SEO tool.

Why You Adopt / Avoid Pay Per Click Advertising

You should be able to find several indispensable facts about Pay Per Click Advertising in the following paragraphs. If there's at least one fact you didn't know before, imagine the difference it might make. 

Engaging in pay-per-click  advertising has its own benefits and drawbacks. But what exactly is Pay Per Click advertising and what it can do to your business?

Business nowadays is doing different kinds of austerity measures when it comes to advertising their products and services. This is because of high rates of placing ads on print and on television. But there is a fast growing approach that businessmen can utilize to bring their services closer to the people and that is through Internet Marketing

Online Earning Websites

Nowadays internet earning is so much popular in the world. There are many ways to earn mony online. There are thousands of tips and suggestions which don’t work properly. But there are still some easy and good ways tomake mony online like clicking on adds of PTC Web sites.

Here is a review of some Genuine Online Earning Websites. Check them out if you are up to earn some extra every month. Just remember to wait 30 seconds after you click an ad on these sites.........................................  

The Best Ad Publisher

Making money from your blog or website is a very good idea if you like challenges. You can even make a decent living out of blogging or writing articles. Some articles will make it seem like a piece of cake for you. However, earning money from blog takes time and effort. 

There are a few tools that can make your task a little easier. Google Adsense is one of those tools for many. If you are curious about whether or not Google Adsense is right for your blog, take a look at these characteristics of their advertising program.

Building Google Adsense Feeder Page

Okay, I'm going to tell you How To build Feeder Pages for which search engines simply die for. Don't worry, these tips won't strain your brain to much and are very straight forward, even if your New to the Internet marketing game. TRAFFIC, as we all know it is the life blood of your businesses VERY existence online, so wouldn't it be nice if you could tap into some of that traffic, that's targeted Search Engine traffic, absolutely FREE Of Charge? Well, that's the sole purpose of a "Feeder Page".

How-To build quality "Feeder Pages" that will send you FREE targeted search engine traffic and generateyou some Google Adsense revenue as well:

Start Your Career Online As a Google Adsense Ads Publisher

For someone who are new to Google Adsense or have been with Google Adsense for quite some time and yet not seeing money coming in as expected, it is useful to learn of the various ways how you can maximize your website or blog to make money. By earning few dollars per click from displaying Adsense ads on your website or blog, people are now realizing that good money can be made accumulatively from this source of revenue. 

Google Adsense is an efficient and easy way for website publishers to display relevant, text-based Google ads on their website's content pages and make money in the process. The ads displayed are pertaining to what your users are looking for on your site. This is the foremost reason why both can monetize and enhance your content pages using Adsense. How much money you will be receiving will depend on how much the advertisers are willing to remunerate. It is also subjected to required keywords.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Google Ad for your website

You need to have a website; not a free one; but one that you own (domain registration and hosting); 

You need to create an account with Google Adsense (www.google.com/adsense) or through https://www.blogger.com/start. Use your real name and address here – because that name and address will later be required for the payment Google would make to you. 

Once you create an account, google will take 72 hours to process everything for you. After that period you can sign in with the user name and password you created (you can sign in with blogger user id and password; blogger is a part of google adsense). 

Change Your IP Address in Windows OS

You really need to know HOW TO CHANGE YOUR IP ADDRESS. Because, with the new emerging technologiesIP TRACKERS can easily FIND YOUR IP ADDRESS. And they can even do it on DNS SERVER IP, LOCAL IP, GATEWAY IP or DYNAMIC IP ADDRESS. And they can find out your physical address from your IP ADDRESS. Any you don’t want to disclose your physical address to an Internet Con, do you? So, read the following to learn how to hide your ip address.

If your connection is direct to your computer and your computer gets the public IP and not a router, you can try this:

Make Your First Love

 QUOTES ON FIRST LOVE as quoted by Rosemary Rogers,

"First romance, first love, is something so special to all of us, both emotionally and physically, that it touches our lives and enriches them forever"
. surly signifies how different FIRST LOVE is! But sadly enough, in most cases, first love dies in its womb. So, what gives to such sad endings to our first love? Let's start with a few questions.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO FALL IN LOVEARE YOU SINGLE AND LOOKING FOR A LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP? There are six elements that have been identified by counselorstherapists, and researchers that determine if someone will fall in love with you.

Every Woman Wants in Her Man

Women are as demanding as men are; however, there is a big difference in what a man expects from his woman and what a woman expects from her man. If only all men knew what every woman wants in her man, life would be so simple and dull. If you are wondering what your girlfriend/spouse expects from you then just remember these seven vital things.

Woman like men who listen
All women want to be heard. It could anything from the most important of problems to mundane things like a broken car or a faulty washing machine. If your woman/girlfriend asks for your opinion or for your help make sure that you go to work in right earnest. The very fact that you listen to her will convince her that you care and are ready to help.

Romantic Tips for Girls

If you want to win a guy's heart you need to know some secret about him. Here's a few secrets that could take you ahead of him in the way of relationship...

1. Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them, and this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat.

For Singles of all Ages Romantic Guide

How to Impress a Girl

Most guys want to impress a girl so she will like him, but most of those guys come about it all wrong, and instead of impressing her, he turns her off. Find out how to turn heads-in your direction.


1. Now the first step is the most simple-play a sport. I don't care what you play, even rugby and golf. As long as girls know that you play a sport and don't sit all day in your dark room, it's all good. Carry a football, basketball, or baseball glove around school a couple times out of the week. Also, if you're not exactly the sports type, try considering learning to play an instrument. Girls love a guy who can play guitar or piano. You don't know how much this attracts a girl. 


1 English - I love you.
2 Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief.
3 Albanian - Te dua.
4 Arabic - Ana behibak (to male).
5 Arabic - Ana behibek (to female).
6 Armenian - Yes kez sirumen.

pre-dating romance over phone

First impressions are everything: We all know that. But did you realize that first impressions actually begin before your first date, usually by phone? Talking on the phone is a tricky dating stage that comes after exchanging emails but prior to meeting face-to-face. What I'm seeing as a matchmaker is that many first dates never happen, because your potential mate had a negative "pre-first-impression" of you on the phone.

But not to worry! After interviewing more than 1,000 single men and women for my new book, "Have Him At Hello," I have 7 phone tips that really work:

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